Info taken from SFFixed:
The format is simple: get in a costume, do a quick ride from Rapha at 6pm, and end it at Biergarten in Hayes Valley! This is the final stammtischride we are putting on for the year, so come on out!
How fast is the pace?
-We call it “conversational pace”, meaning it’s a mellow and social after-work ride. Average speed is around 15-17mph.
Who is welcome?
EVERYONE! Bring a bike and a helmet and some lights and you’re set to join us.
Do I have to dress up?
Uh, yeah. Well, not really, but you will regret not doing so because you MAY be the only one not in costume. So do it. Be a kid again!
Do I need to bring a lock?
Newp! The owner of Biergarten helps host this ride, and we are granted indoor (sort of, it’s a fenced in outdoor beer garden) parking and it’s awesome.
What in heaven’s name is “stammtischride?”
“Stammtisch” is the German word for a regular, friendly get-together. We also have a custom painted “stammtisch” table at Biergarten!
Do I have to be over 21 to join you guys at Biergarten?
Not at all, but they will card you if you buy a beer. They have great food and some non-alcoholic beverages as well!
Leaves Rapha at 6pm, finishes at Biergarten at 8pm. Halloween parties all night after that. Sounds like a great way to start off the evening.
More info: